Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Alas still no roadacne but I can feel some coming.....

Signed up for Twitter earlier & have also popped ShoZu on my phone so in theory I can moan & upload photos of said moan straight from my phone.

Manged to blag 250meg a month of free data from Orange too - web 2.0 me up!

Just need to see if they include uploads as well as downloads in this limit else posting flicks could get rather expensive.

Sunday, 8 February 2009

Still no Roadacne

Yes, sorry for the lack of images about what this blog is supposedly beefing about but Im sure we'll get there.

Slightly poor show me thinks that Ive not updated this blog for over a month but hey, all sorts have been going on and I also forgot my login, funny how things pop into your head when you least expect them. Still, checking out the few blogs I follow (need to figure out how I do actually follow rather than just having a folder full of links but again Im off on a tangent) prompted me into a little bit of key tapping.

So, I guess I need to mention the weather seeing a Bristol has seen a mighty fine dump of snow in the last week. Personally I love it, the meeja however (here I refer exclusively to the Evening Post) seems to be having a field week of chaos & seemedly advising people to panic! Regardless of which here is the first pic for the blog & my take on the EP's reporting.